Massage Therapy Relaxation

Protocols and Policies – Covid-19

We are hopeful that you and your families have remained healthy and safe during this unexpected and life changing Pandemic. Milford Body Therapy has made many positive changes to the office space and we have new protocols going forward. We made changes to our facility and routines to be able to completely sanitize our space before and after each client.

You can call or schedule appointments online. HOWEVER, we will be putting 30 minute breaks between clients, so we will need some flexibility to shift times accordingly.

There will be little waiting in the waiting room, but if it is necessary please try to keep a six foot distance from other clients.
Upon your arrival face coverings will be required (over nose and mouth) by both client and practitioner in the common areas. If you are fully vaccinated (and Boosted) the mask may be removed once in the treatment room. Our practitioners will continue to wear their masks the entire session.

We have a COVID screening attached to your confirmation before their session. We ask that you complete the intake form also with your appointment confirmation. We have hand sanitizer at the front desk,or you can wash with soap and water in the restroom. Of course you may use the rest room and we will get you water to bring into the treatment room with you. Also feel free to bring your own water in a bottle that you take home with you.

Our practitioners will be transparent about their own health condition as well. The practitioners will be changing their smocks and masks for every client. The linens and table barriers will all be changed for every session. Air purifiers, UV wands for equipment, pillow barriers and other protective universal precautions are in place for the most hygienic and still productive bodywork experience.

As for our fitness room, we will have a clear location for any equipment that has be used to be sanitized after use and the floor completely cleaned between training clients. Windows can be opened and trainer will have on a mask. Keeping 6 feet apart is possible for the most part but if client can wear a face covering when activity is mild to moderate, this is preferred. If exertion levels rise due to increased levels of heart rate, there will always be more than a six-foot distance.

Payment and rescheduling can be done online or at the front desk.

Please continue to take every precaution to continue to protect yourselves and your loved ones as possible. As always, we will continue to keep our establishment very clean and up to the safety standards of our local health department.

For up to date information on tips to protect yourself from COVID- 19 and what to do if you think you are sick, please contact your medical provider or visit the CDC website at Yale New Haven also has a center for COVID 19 questions 203.688.1700.

We STILL encourage you to get plenty of sunshine, hydration and take a hot bath.
We are here for you and are blessed to have your support and trust.

From all of us at MBT,
Carrie, Christina, Niki, Shaileen Nick, Roger and Dena